Monday 18 January 2016

future of living

 Future   of   Living 

In the era of expanding world population shrinking land to live , nobody is cared or cautioned about the dangerously shrinking green land & forest area .

And ought to live in gas chamber with declining level of oxygen and increasing level of CO2 , oxide of sulphur , etc ; in the near future gas mask will come in fashion we keep it with us like we do today with mobiles and share mask selfies instead of groufies . 

So , we have come to the moment when we have 2 choices  let thing go as they are or change it .

You wanna live life with gas mask and prison cell like homes . Have you ever think of life like it , i show you trailer and thought that you wanna live a film or not .

Our babies with mask
I don't think that any of you liked to live such a life . So if not ,we all need to come with extra-ordinary and innovative ideas to use our limited resources  efficiently and sustain-ably .

In the jar of such ideas few of them are restrict the use of transport based on fossil fuel instead of it use bicycles for short distances and public transport for long distance instead of  personal cars ,this idea you know pretty well but an idea you not aware about is vertical farming .

Vertical Farming is the idea which i like personally . Vertical Farming refers to the growing crops , vegetables , fruit vertically instead of growing horizontally . Today many companies working in this field to make this dream come true . If the idea of vertical farming come on land  it can become solution to many problem like shrinking homes and to full fill growing population needs like accommodation and food requirements . Below i share the link which aware you about vertical farming .

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