Monday 18 January 2016

Future of Power Generation

Future of power generation is not other than nuclear fusion . 

For many years it was believed that it is impossible to perform control nuclear fusion on earth so no one even thought of use of it to generate electricity . 

But after many years of research and development  , today 
our scientist and engineers are working in the building the world's largest tokamak , a magnetic fusion device that has been designed to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy based on the same principle that powers our Sun and stars.

In southern France, 35 nations(India also) are collaborating to build project named ITER .

ITER  ("The Way" in Latin) is one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today which is based on nuclear fusion .


The fusion of light hydrogen atoms produces a heavier element, helium.The mass of the resulting helium atom is not the exact sum of the initial atoms, however—some mass has been lost and great amounts of energy have been gained .The same reaction occur in the sun .

Solution to all problem

It have power to change the situation crisis which many countries are facing and whole world will face in near future.  

When this power plant will be completed it will  Produce 500 MW of fusion power which is many times to any of the power plant based of fossil fuel or hydro electricity power plant .

The most astonishing and wonderful aspect nuclear fusion based power plant is that it cause no pollution not even any harmful residual as that we get in nuclear fission . also it uses hydrogen as fuel which is abundantly present on earth in form of water , H2 gas .

For more information on ITER visit below given 



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